Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Look back at 2015

Sure, everyone has a look back segment, and I might as well look back at my own year of fitness, 2015.

Let me start with running, the Miles part of this blog. It started on January 1st when I participated in the Resolution Run. I ended up running 10K, I got a very nice jacket out of it, which I still wear for running. I'm not doing it this year because of the fact it a 2.5K loop which I did 4 times. It was a cold morning for the race with a rather bitter wind, that I got to experience 4 times along the same part of the course. Let's remind ourselves of the phrase "Polar Vortex". Cold was the theme of running for the first couple of months; January and February were horrid, lots of snow and very cold temperatures. After the arrival of Spring, the weather did get better. In fact this year I ran 800 miles and got 122 runs in, both PB's for the year. It was a great time running.

During this year I ran in 5 different communities and three different countries. One of my favorite runs took place during the week in Cuba. I did three runs from my resort in Varadero and it was a great experience. To run in shorts and in warm weather was such a treat. Not so good the first run back after Cuba. In fact I remember it being a very painful run. Nothing hurt, it was just such a shock to the system. I also had a great time running in Southern Indiana for a week, it was very hot and muggy, but a great time for running. I wish I had been closer to the Pedestrian bridge, it would have been fun to run into Kentucky from Indiana, two states at the same time.

I did a number of races during the year, one of the best was the Rock Me Anaphylaxis in Windsor. The race took place along the riverfront, so I had decided I could possibly do a sub 27 for the 5K. My time was 26'34". Not only did I do a PB but I came 3rd in my age category. Got a very nice tee and a cool medal. Another fun run was the Cambridge Mill Race, a very cool Tuesday evening in May, it was a challenging course.

Of course the highlight has to be the Army Run 13.1, my first Half-Marathon. I like to tell people I had a great time for the first 20 Km and then my calves decided to cramp up for the final 1.1 km. I might have walked/hobbled over the finish line, there was no way I was getting a DNF. It was exciting to do, not only was the course and the race an amazing experience, but let me know that 13.1 miles can be done. It one of those races that I want to do again.

Speaking of races, I did 6 during the year, hopefully about that many this year. I would like to do some I missed this year, as well as favourites.

If there is one thing I missed, it was the lack of time on the bike. As I think I reported, I had to buy a new bike due to an accident with a car and the back of the garage. I wasn't driving, I was no where near the place of the calamity. It was so sad. I still shed a tear when I think about it. I plan to spend more time on the bike in 2016.

Time on the mat and gym: this year I managed to do 34,000 push ups and 25,000 crunches. That's a lot. I'm continuing my morning exercise program, and the best thing is my Skimble workout. It's a good combination of body weight and a few others. Working very well and I'm enjoying the morning program. When I start, I stream music off YouTube and it helps. During the warmer weather and while vacationing in Cuba, I take my workout mat outside and enjoy the conditions. It is a great way to start the day, with the pleasant breeze, the sun beginning to rise and the sounds of nature. Plus while in Cuba I had a great balcony to workout and it certainly started the day in the right way. I'm not a morning person, but this is helping me change my opinion about waking up to start the day.

I still get to World Gym about twice a week. The good news, they're opening a gym just down from work. Going to be good when that finally happens.

Also started attending Yoga classes at the gym. It's fun.

Hard to believe all I did over the past year. It was good, I feel good and I'm sure I'll have an even better 2016. I'll have more to say about it in the next blog.

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